Quick Craft: Bathroom Basket

The 2014 Football Season has come to a close. We finally had the football banquet this past weekend. It was great to catch up with the other coaching families, since we haven’t seen many of them since the beginning of December. The banquet is such a great way to honor all of the players and coaches for all of the hard work they put in to have such a successful season. I thought that since each player is encouraged to bring a date, that I would do something to thank those young ladies for giving up their Saturday night.

This idea has my mother’s influence written all over it. I decided that I was going to make a basket full of essentials and emergency repair for the bathroom at the banquet hall. Bathroom baskets are something that we have had at every wedding that I have been a part of. You never know when you are going to need an extra bobby pin, or a band aid to cover blisters because you decided to wear the fabulous but barely functional heels. And God forbid Aunt Flow decides to come with you and you had to choose lip gloss over a tampon to fit in your tiny little handbag. Any way, these baskets are very easy and cheap to put together. It’s always nice to include a sign so that people know that the basket is their for them to use. I went to my local Dollar Store to pick up everything I needed.

Easy Bathroom Basket- Tackling Life Blog

Easy Bathroom Basket- Tackling Life Blog

Bathroom Basket Shopping List

  • basket
  • lotion
  • hairspray
  • tampons
  • panty liners
  • bandages
  • bobby pins
  • aspirin
  • nail files
  • oil blotting papers
  • mints

I also bought a bag of filler shreds to take up space in the bottom of the basket. And I found an orange foam football to add to the theme. When you say help yourself, people really do. We saw later that people were taking pictures with the football! I spent at most $15 on something that was a small way of showing these girls that their attendance was appreciated.

What could you make a bathroom basket for?

5 thoughts on “Quick Craft: Bathroom Basket

  1. I make a basket similar to this for when guests come to visit. I put extra tooth brushes, tooth paste in there as well as some first aid things and nail files but also some bottled waters and snacks for shy guests who wouldn’t want to rummage through my house for a midnight snack. They all seem to love it.


  2. Baking In Pyjamas says:

    Such a great and thoughtful idea! Thanks for linking up to Sweet and Savoury Sunday, stop by and link up again. Have a great day!! Laura@Baking in Pyjamas


Let me know what you think!