Beliefs and Brownies

This past Thursday and Friday I had the great opportunity to join some of my coworkers for the 20th Global Leadership Summit. It was an absolutely incredible experience to learn more about how being a leader and a Christ-follower are so intertwined. While we learned new tips and strategies about crucial conversations, dealing with conflict, and encouraging our coworkers, I also came to a new self realization. 

DSC_0767I am very different from most of my coworkers. While we stood to worship, I did my best to focus my heart on praising God, but kept getting distracted, by the people next to me talking, sitting, and even asking me questions. As the day went on, i couldn’t help but noticed how hardened some hearts were towards the Gospel, and it broke my heart. 

DSC_0770I am different. And when people see me acting, speaking, or believing differently, my answer when asked why should always be JESUS. Because that is what He does. He makes us set apart

“But when he who had set me apart before I was born,and who called me by his grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me” Galatians 1:15-16

And now to take this post into a new direction. Football season has started. Training camp is in full swing. And I. Am. Bored. Not in a bad way, I am just trying to adjust to J’s new schedule. When you are so used to someone being home before you during the summer, having dinner already made, the laundry already done, and someone to hang out with, it’s a new experience to come home to a quiet house. I try to come up with a plan before I leave work of things to do for the next 5 hours before J comes home from practice. Laundry, done. Grocery shopping, done. Another bowl of gauc, done. Clean the bathroom, done. Go for a run? Okay, since I have nothing else to do right now. 

All this extra time isn’t a bad thing, I just don’t want to completely waste it by sitting in front of the TV all evening. But to be honest, that’s all I did yesterday. However I did make these amazing Dark Chocolate Gooey Brownies, so I wasn’t that lazy. 

It was nice to join J for dinner and to drop of some brownies for the coaches. Even better that the container came back empty so I wouldn’t have to schedule in “Finish Off Brownies” for something to do on Monday.

Brownie pic

Dark Chocolate Gooey Brownies

  • 1 stick margarine
  • 2 cup sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1½ cup flour
  • 4 heaping Tablespoons Dark Chocolate cocoa (can be made with regular cocoa)
  • Optional: walnuts, pecans, or chocolate chips


Let butter set to room temperature in a bowl. Beat butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Once mixture is all combined, add baking powder, salt, and vanilla. Then add in flour. Now add in the 4 heaping tablespoons of the cocoa powder. The best way to measure the heaping scoops is to scoop out the powder like you normally would, but don’t level the spoon. Just dump it directly into the bowl. Now that you have a great chocolate batter, you can add in nuts or even more chocolate (chips) if desired. Pour into a greased 9×13 baking pan, I like to use glass. Bake for 25-30 minutes @ 350ºF. Let someone like the mixing bowl clean. It’s okay, you can pick yourself for this job.

DSC_0765Stick a toothpick in to test for doneness. I like mine to come out just with just a little batter on it, but the brownies shouldn’t giggle in the pan. Once, done, let cool. The crust should be just a little crispy, while the insides still rich and fudgy! Cut into squares, or eat directly out of the pan with a spoon. I won’t judge you. Enjoy!

11 thoughts on “Beliefs and Brownies

  1. Kimberlee says:

    Our church is going to be having the video of that global summit in a couple of weeks. Do you go to Willow Creek Church? I go to Chase Oaks Church in Texas. Glad to hear the summit was good – sorry about the distracting people. The brownie recipe sounds awesome. I look forward to making it soon for my boys.


    • That’s so exciting that you’ll get to see it too! I know that you’ll enjoy it, there is so much to learn!

      I do not go to Willow Creek, but I was very fortunate to go to one of the simulcast nearby.

      You’ll have to let me know how they like them! My batch disappeared quickly!


  2. I am glad the summit was good, although I understand your frustration at being distracted. It is good that you realize that you’re doing the right thing by staying in worship.


Let me know what you think!